Our Preferred Diapers
we’ve been through a handful of diaper & wipe brands throughout our first year. i still can’t figure out why, but i was obsessed with trying as many diaper brands as i could to find “the perfect diaper” which honestly… doesn’t exist. i also feel like your diaper needs change depending on the stage you’re in, so feel free to mix up your diaper preference as you want to. as for us…
our preferred diapers are:
especially during the walking stage. the absorbency and materials help limit the amount of irritation for us.
really loved these for a cleaner option that has a good cost-per-diaper value. we used these when we were going through the most diapers per day
really liked these. solid choice.
another great solid choice.
we used these for a while. great diaper. great cost-per-diaper.
our preferred wipes:
no other wipe compares, especially for poopie diapers
a really good wipe for the cost.
water wipes
arguably the most infuriating wipe to dispense and use… but this was our go-to for the newborn stage and we never had any issues with skin sensitivity.
and that’s our wipe and diaper round-up!
please leave your favorites in the comments for other hot moms!